Shree Sarweshwar Milk Dairy
Here you will find a wide range of healthy and fresh dairy products that were proudly produced at our farm by our farmers and cows.
Our Story
The company “Shree Sarweshwar Milk Dairy Private Limited” (SSMDPL) was incorporated as a private limited company in the state of Rajasthan on 11.01.2018 with CIN No. U15549RJ2018PTC060016 under the Companies Act,
What's Fresh
From Our Familyto Yours
In the last 20 years, milk production grew by more than 60% – with demand moving at a similar pace. A forerunner in this development is India with a growth of 115 million tonnes SCM (solid corrected milk to 4% fat and 3.3% protein). The dairy sector needs to develop and make serious efforts to cope with the requirements of future consumers.
Skimmed Milk Powder
Pasteurized Milk is a complete health drink and contains almost all nutrients
Quality Ghee which is checked form bacterial tests and provide good tastes
Butter is a Milk Product made by churning fresh or fermented Cream or Milk